Our online design tool allows you to design your own wall decal from scratch using a blank template or to upload a wide range of file types for pre-designed files and designs.

Despite the ability to cut to any shape we would forewarn against any design that would include cutting extremely narrow parts of the design. Custom with border leaves a small white border around the perimeter of your design shape. Areas that are smaller than 1/2" are susceptible to tearing. Designs that are smaller than 1/2" thick at any part of the design are not suitable for contour cut. Selecting custom in the cut options will cut to the exact shape of your design. This is done using a custom cut (previously known as or sometimes referred to as contour cut) or "Custom With Border" (previously known as or sometimes referred to as halo cut). Yes! Technically you can make your wall decal any custom shape you may want.Can my wall decal be a shape other than rectangular or square?.With correct usage and proper care and maintenance, your wall decal should last for 5+ years.Assuming you stay within the minimum and maximum dimensions the size largely depends on what you want or need it to be. Notwithstanding, we do offer some common size decals including: 12"x12", 24"x12", 2'x2', 4'x4', 3'x5. They truly are one of the most custom signage solutions as they vary greatly in use and design. To our knowledge, we don’t know of any industry-wide standard sizes for wall decals.Are there standard sizes of wall decals?.The price of your decal order will be determined by the size of the decal and the quantity you order. Similarly, whether your design is one solid color or a complex vector image the cost will remain the same. Thus, regardless of whether your wall decal has one color or many it will not increase the price of your decal.

Thus, assuming you keep one dimension under the 4.33’ maximum your size options are essentially limitless. The smallest custom wall decal we can print is 3”x3”.What are the maximum and minimum dimensions of the custom vinyl wall decals?.So while we’ll understand what you’re referring to when the term “custom wall stickers” is used, the proper term is wall decal or even wall graphic. Wall decals, on the other hand, can be stored and reused if done correctly, can be repositioned due to the low-tack adhesive that is used and leave behind little to no residual adhesive. Wall sticker is incorrect due to the fact that stickers are not reusable, use a stronger adhesive and generally leave behind adhesive residue when the sticker is removed. While technically a misnomer, the term wall sticker is often used in place of wall decal.