Shinōreijutsuin (真央霊術院, Spiritual Arts Academy): An educational organization with a 2,000-year-old history, founded by Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto. All of the soul-related jobs are under their authority. This is commonly carried out by balancing the total number of souls by moving and managing them in the Human world.
Once this takes place, a Hollow will return to its former state as a Plus and is led into Soul Society. Hollow Cleansing: When a Shinigami slays a Hollow with their Zanpakutō, they cleanse their sins.Konsō is performed by using the hilt of the Shinigami's Zanpakutō, tapping the soul on their forehead and transporting them to the afterlife.
Konsō (魂葬, Soul Burial): the process by which a Shinigami sends wandering Pluses in the Human World to Soul Society if they are good in life or Hell if their life was full of evil acts (such as murders, theft, etc.).They commonly carry their Zanpakutō, which is in most cases tied to their obi sash. Some wear bright colored scarves with it or shorten the sleeves. It is customary to wear a white undergarment underneath. Shihakushō (死覇装, Garment of Dead Souls): The black kimono worn by Shinigami. Variations do not just occur in size but in overall appearance, too, the most notable example being Captain Komamura, who is an anthropomorphic wolf. For example, there are much greater variations in body-sizes between Shinigami than between Humans, with small childlike Shinigami such as the 109 cm tall Yachiru Kusajishi and giant Shinigami such as Sajin Komamura, who is 288 cm tall. There are, however, a few Shinigami who are less Human-like in appearance. Most Shinigami appear like average Humans. They will work with the Shinigami at times but still remain in exile. There are some Shinigami who exist in exile, namely Yoruichi Shihōin, Tessai Tsukabishi, and Kisuke Urahara. Its shape differs depending on its owner. All Shinigami have a Zanpakutō, but not all of them carry one with them. A Zanpakutō is a physical manifestation of this force concentrated into a blade. Low ranking officers are issued an Asauchi sword, but high-ranking officers arm themselves with unique swords generated from their own souls. Zanpakutō: A Shinigami weapon, its shape is typically similar to a Japanese katana.Due to this, prisoners who cannot have their heart stopped by any executioner in Soul Society are kept in Muken. Reiatsu: The Reiatsu of a Shinigami will continue to flow for as long as the heart is still beating if the heart beats, it is impossible for the Reiatsu to cease.A consequence of having Spiritual Power is that unlike powerless spirits, Shinigami need to eat. The more power a Shinigami has, the sharper their movements will be. Reiryoku: Shinigami naturally possess high levels of Spiritual Power, which varies greatly in magnitude with the strength of a Shinigami.Decapitation is the only guaranteed method of killing a Shinigami. Enhanced Durability: While Shinigami can be injured and killed like regular Humans, it takes considerably greater injuries to kill a Shinigami than it would to kill Humans.Shinigami can live for much longer than Humans, with some Shinigami, such as Retsu Unohana, being over 1,000 years old and Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto being at least 2,100 years old. Longevity: Shinigami do not visibly age at the same rate as Humans and tend to maintain a youthful appearance for centuries.Shinigami have a number of supernatural abilities: If a Shinigami's Saketsu (鎖結, Chain Binding Viz " Chain") and Hakusui (魄睡, Soul Sleep) are pierced, their spiritual powers are sealed up and they most likely can never regain their lost powers again. If they are blocked off, the Shinigami in question would be incinerated by their own Reiatsu from the inside out. Īll Shinigami have vents at their wrists which release their Reiatsu. Shinigami receive salaries, like workers in the Human World and also earn bounties for defeating Hollows. The majority of potential Shinigami are born among the residents of the Seireitei, but in some rare cases are born in the Rukongai. The most talented of them become affiliated with various organizations like the Gotei 13 and the Onmitsukidō. When Souls with exceptional spiritual energy train their bodies, they reach the level of Shinigami. They are invisible to those without spiritual powers. They possess high Reiryoku and a body of Reishi. Shinigami are unearthly beings living in a world ruled by a different logic than the World of the Living.